For more information on how to play table tennis and improve your game, take a look at my other tips and techniques articles... Increase your resting pulse rate by 10-30 beats per minute, Move from general to specific muscle groups, Include stretching of major muscle groups, Help prevent injury by raising the temperature in muscles and increasing circulation around joints, Increase oxygen delivery to the muscles to enable more vigorous activity, Encourage muscles to contract, faster and stronger, reduces the risk of muscle and tendon injuries, increases the flexibility and freedom of movement, Hold each stretch for 10-20 seconds, but do not bounce, Stretch gently and slowly and keep breathing, Stretch to the point of tension, never pain. You should start your warm-up with 2-3 minutes of light jogging. ... performed after an activity can often be more important to athletic performance over time than when done before exercise. Strategies •  – Place your hands on your thighs. Plus, the DVD includes 3 customized sets of stretches (8 minutes each) for the Upper Body; the Lower Body; and the Neck, Back & Core. This will get your muscles ready for more strenuous movement. Many tennis and stretching novices fall into the trap of thinking that bouncing up and down and touching your toes a few times are sufficient ways of warming up. Stretching helps reduce injuries and improves flexibility, range of motion and balance. Here are a few reasons why: 1. The best exercise to improve table tennis is more table tennis. Best 9 Stretch Exercises for Seniors. Following certain techniques and practicing proper footwork patterns can help ensure that your hands and feet move together in a rhythm and […] Strengthening Exercises For Tennis Elbow. » For that matter, proper footwork exercises are very important in mastering the art of table tennis. Techniques •  The supine groin stretch is such a simple and non-exerting stretch that you also can perform it in the bed at night so your hips are nicely aligned while you sleep. Tennis Workout - Top 5 Exercises For Tennis Players.This tennis workout routine can be done anywhere. – Now, lower Leg while bending (flexing) neck down. To increase your flexibility and mobility (basically, ability to “get around”) try to do these stretches every day, or as often as possible. It accounts for around 10% of table tennis injuries. Privacy policy. Every morning and before I go to bed I stretch and strengthen my arms, my back and my stomach for five minutes just from this one little band. (2019, April 28). Try to do these stretches and exercises at least four to five times a week. (AATT) is completely free to use. Alternate the two moves about 10 times each, and you’ll have given yourself a nice little stretching warm up exercise. After exercise, muscles can shorten and feel restricted. Some say that bored military men posted away from home invented the game, playing it with whatever was handy. Yet it is important to get your stretching in very soon after the workout while the muscles are still warm. Arms and Shoulders - As above but using a towel. With the Ultimate Guide to Stretching & Flexibility you'll... You'll get 135 clear photographs and 44 video demonstrations of unique stretches for every major muscle groups in your body. Warm-up exercises should be an essential part of your routine before playing table tennis.Here are a few you can use... Table tennis is a fast physical sport which requires agility, speed and quick reactions. Table tennis stretches are one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports injury and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. These are principally links to Amazon, Megaspin and Bribar, but may include others from time to time. While the recommendations on this page are a good place to start, you'll get a lot more benefit when you add the right stretches to your training program. Vacenovský, P. Vencúrik, T. Sebera, M. (2015). Hold the stretch position for 20 to 30 seconds while relaxing and breathing deeply. Although table tennis is not a contact sport, players can get over enthusiastic from time to time and overextend themselves. I will turn 79-years-old this year and still stretch a couple of times a day. The deltoid is found on the outside of the upper arm, and provides stability for upward movements. Table tennis players tend to use a lot of power to create a powerful forehand attack. The fourth exercise … Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart. The short answer: Yes, stretching is important, and you should spend at least five minutes cooling down after every workout. Over the years, table tennis balls became bigger so that they could be seen easily on television screens. Site Map  |   Affiliate links are links to other web sites who sell related table tennis products. Arms and Shoulders - Hands together above the head, push the head forwards and the hands back with the arms straight. Hips and Groin - soles of feet touching and gently pushing down the knees. Successful tennis players incorporate stretching and exercise in their training programs. Instructions: Slowly move into the stretch position until you feel a tension of about 7 out of 10. For table tennis players, here are some of the stretching exercises that are suitable for their sport: Shoulder Roll – Shoulder Rolls are good for increasing flexibility in the shoulder area and reducing tension in the neck and upper back portion of the body. These bend your knee when contracted. Table tennis is a type of sport that requires swift movements in order to make good strokes. On top of that, Werner recommends one specific endurance training session per week. The warm-up exercises and cool down period should last for approximately ten minutes, with five minutes of very light jogging and five minutes of stretching and flexibility exercises. The same muscles that are used primarily for sports such as racquet ball, squash and tennis are all in play during table tennis. Lower back - kneel with hands flat on floor. Functional hips will improve your movement and speed on the tennis court, decrease the risk of injuries and your tennis … Participants played table tennis once a week for six months. Come out of the stretch carefully and perform the stretch on the opposite side if necessary. Tactics While the peroneal muscles lie on the outside and help with stability. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching … You should wear an outer layer on top of your table tennis clothing, such as a track suit or waterproof suit, in order to keep you warm but it must not restrict your movements. A thorough stretch afterwards will lengthen the tight and overused muscles and recreate balance between the left and right side of your body. These links are identified by having an asterisk (*) by its side. Forearm, wrist and hand sprain or tendinitis; Knee injuries, including anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprain, medial collateral ligament (MCL) sprain and meniscus tear; Play on well maintained areas with good surfaces to help reduce injuries from trips and falls. Claim your FREE membershipand join me at theTOP TABLE, You'll receive regularTop Tips, Strategies, TechniquesTactics, Rules, News & much more, You Are Here: And get Exclusive Information via Email, Tips •  Here are a few examples of stretching exercises you could use... After your jogging and stretching exercises you can also use imaginary stroke play and related movements (shadow play). For people looking to achieve muscle gain stretching is crucial but unfortunately often neglected,” Uday adds. Warm-up Exercises. Originally called Ping-Pong, a variation of table tennis was first played in Britain in bars, pubs and basements during the 1800’s. There are 2 types of warm up in table tennis: On the table warm up and off the table warm up. 5 essential stretches for tennis players . If you are in any doubt about your fitness, you should first consult a medical expert for advice. About Me  |   If you are training regularly on the table, at a high-intensity, then your endurance should already be fairly good. And satisfied customers from 122 countries have sent 1,000's of verified customer reviews. Adverts appear automatically on my site, provided by third parties, and are not directly controlled by me. My intention has always been to give you the best possible information, advice and recommendations, based on my 48+ years involvement in the sport. 1. If you feel pain or discomfort you’ve pushed the stretch too far; back out of the stretch immediately. Home Stretching increases your range of motion, taking pressure off the joints and allowing the body to move more fluidly during exercise. IMPORTANT: These are the same stretching and flexibility exercises many of the top pro tennis players and athletes use. They do not cost you anything to use, and any products you choose to buy will not cost you any more than if you went directly to that web site. There is also a risk of chronic (or overuse) injuries from too much practice and play. Contact Me  |   » Complete these quick, easy stretches in just a few minutes for a good stretch you’ll thank yourself for later. Do each exercise below at least once, stretching each leg for at least 30 seconds. Magazines such as Runners World, Bicycling, Triathlete, Swimming & Fitness, and Triathlon Sports have all featured his work. If you want to know about stretching, flexibility or sports injury management, Brad Walker is the go-to-guy. The hamstrings run down the back of the upper leg, connect at the medial and lateral sides of the leg, just below the knee joint. Example Table Tennis Warm-Up. Please consult your physician or physical therapist before performing any of the exercises described on this website, particularly if you are pregnant, elderly or have any chronic or recurring muscle or joint pain. I get the point, particularly from the perspective of someone who has a limited time using his/her body and many of the exercises that would help certain aspects of TT would make your knees hate you. Amazon (author page) has listed his books on five Best-Seller lists. To perform any of these exercises you should already have a reasonable level of fitness. Forearm exercises should play a critical part in your overall fitness regime if you want to play well in table tennis. How to Play Table Tennis Don’t over exert yourself. Wrong! Steve is a table tennis coach and personal trainer – so he ought to know a thing or two about table tennis fitness. Tennis specific exercises focus on strengthening and training different muscle groups. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds, repeating as needed. Coaching •  Not only will strong forearm exercises add to the physical appearance or your arms, but they will also help play a more important role, that of providing wrist & … Stretching after your tennis practice has enormous benefits. A chair, countertop, or table is necessary for this exercise. … Therefore it's important that you perform warm-up and warm-down (cool-down) exercises prior to starting a session, and at the end of a session. forehand chop and backhand chop. body (produced by the exercise) that can result in muscle stiffness. Disclaimer: The health and fitness information presented on this website is intended as an educational resource and is not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. These work in the same way as normal links, but when you click on it, the link is tracked to AATT and, if you make a purchase, may generate a small payment to me. These provide stability to the shoulder joint during activity. Arms and Shoulders - Hands on wall, push the shoulders downwards. Hold this pose for one minute. The end score was also reduced from 21 to 11 to make the matches shorter and retain viewers’ interest in the game. Please make special note of the instructions with each stretch, and if you currently have any chronic or recurring muscle or joint pain please take extra care when performing the stretches below, or consult with your physician or physical therapist before performing any of the following stretches. Arms and Shoulders - Hand on the opposite elbow and push backwards. During each weekly five-hour session, they performed stretching exercises followed by exercises … Kondrič, M. Zagatto, A. Sekulić, D. (2013). Table tennis players are not endurance athletes and they don’t need to do endurance training like they are training for a marathon. However, maintaining a decent level of aerobic fitness is very important. If you have a sparring partner who can do a multi-ball exercise with you, this is very useful. Other stabilizing muscles in the shoulder area include the rhomboids and trapezius. releasing muscle tension, which can help take pressure off or away from joint/s. Maintain this movement for five minutes. 3 exercises to improve your table tennis consistency. By performing a range of different strokes you can warm up your muscles ready for your table tennis session. 1. Arms and Shoulders - Join the hands over one shoulder and pull. Rotating Wrist Stretch – This lengthens the muscles toward the radial side versus the ulnar side. Analysing Of the Types of Injuries Observed In Table Tennis Players According To the Some Variables, The physiological demands of table tennis: a review, The reactive agility of table-tennis players before and after sport-specific warm-up, Chronic Static Stretching Improves Exercise Performance, Warming-up and stretching for improved physical performance and prevention of sports-related injuries, Effects of warming-up on physical performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Below are 3 of the best stretches for table tennis; obviously there are a lot more, but these are a great place to start. You can see the shuffle (side to side) footwork in action in this video, 6 table tennis tactics to improve your game. AATT cannot identify any user who clicks on an advert or affiliate link. 4. At this time, unofficial championships and title exchanges became popular. – Sit on a chair or table in a slouched position with both legs hanging off the edge. Jog Start with a light walk and progresses into a gentle jog. – Extend (Straighten out) your knee and look up with your head. assisting joint mobility and healthy functional joint range. If you’re from the UK you have probably heard of Steve already. 1. Equipment •  The warm-up should start off at a low intensity, with a gradual progression from general and simple movements to more table tennis specific and higher intensity actions. Heel and calf stretch. This web site receives thousands of visitors every day and therefore, to keep it completely free to use, advertising and affiliate links appear on this web site. After stretching and warming up by cycling at an easy rhythm for 5 to 10 minutes, increase your pace to 15 miles per hour and aim for 20 to 30 minutes of steady cycling. The warm-up exercises and cool down period should last for approximately ten minutes, with five minutes of very light jogging and five minutes of stretching and flexibility exercises. Multi-ball Ping Pong Training. After 2-3 minutes of general jogging you should then move onto table tennis specific movements such as shuffle (side to side) footwork. Another common stretching exercise for tennis players requires lying on your back on the ground and stretching your legs in the air. Repeat 2 or 3 times. Google cites over 100,000 references to him and his work on the internet. There a lot of muscles that connect in some fashion to the knee. Kokkonen, J. Nelson, A. Eldredge, C. Winchester, J. Some of the benefits of tennis stretches include improved posture and a reduction in lower back pain. So go through a few repetitions of the forehand drive, In the shoulder, the rotator cuff is comprised of four different muscles. “Holding a stretch for 30 seconds has the most benefit,” says Stanten, “but if you can get up to a minute for each leg, even better.” Standing Quadriceps Stretch Targets: Quadriceps, hip flexors. 2) Stretching – this has many benefits such as: helping to lengthen muscles back to original length. Sometimes, injuries connected to table tennis can also come from freak accidents: dropping and stepping on the tiny balls causing a fall, running around tables and tripping or twisting ankles and slipping on water spills. You should ensure that you use your whole body as you do these strokes, so ensure that you bend your knees and twist your trunk. However, it's run by one person only (Martin Hughes) and has high running costs that need to be paid for. In general, off the table warm up should be done before on the table warm up. When you click on an advert, it's tracked to AATT and will generate a small payment to me. Wikipedia contributors. Trunk - bend to either side keeping hips stationary. Rise onto the toes and hold the position for 5… Stretch it out: The right stretching exercises combined into a stretching routine can help you loosen up your joints and muscles. In the lower leg, these include the calf muscle group, known as the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The two muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the elbow are the triceps and the biceps. I also keep a simple exercise band hung over my bedroom door. The most common injuries associated with table tennis include: Overall conditioning is essential to the table tennis player to help reduce injuries during training and competition. And the Handbook will show you, step-by-step, how to perform each stretch correctly and safely. This will increase your core body temperature and heart rate and warm up the muscles and associated tissues. Other injury prevention strategies include: Table tennis stretches are one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports injury and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. Hamstring - keeping the back straight, pull the leg towards the body keeping the leg straight. He was the head coach of Ormesby Table Tennis Club (one of the biggest and most successful clubs in the UK) and is now the head coach at Swerve TTC . After about 5 minutes of light jogging and shuffle (side to side) footwork, you then need to do some static stretching exercises. But, guess what…you don't have to be a top pro athlete to get the results you want when you pick up Flexibility For Tennis. You'll prevent injury and relieve pain. The Benefits of Tennis Stretches. News & much more, And get Exclusive Information via Email AllAboutTableTennis, TipsStrategiesTechniquesTacticsRulesEquipmentCoachingNews & much more, Home  |   Cool down for 5 … The amplitude and the rotation movement helps also stabilize the large strokes (like forehand smash). So let's take a closer look at the warm-up and a few exercises you can perform. Trainers and players alike readily agree that tennis stretches can maximizes performance while minimizing the risk of injury. The biceps are on the front of the upper arm, and the triceps are on the back, and together with the wrist flexors and extensors take the brunt of stress during swings, both forearm and backhanded. Plus, you'll also learn the 7 critical rules for safe stretching; the benefits of flexibility; and how to stretch properly. There are a number of benefits of scheduling tennis stretches in your training program. This stretch targets the muscles in your lower leg, specifically your calf muscles. In the stretches below, we combine the two aforementioned styles of stretching. If you want to improve your flexibility and loosen up stiff, tight muscles fast, check out the Ultimate Guide to Stretching & Flexibility for yourself. Lift right arm and left leg and extend horizontally (repeat with left arm and right leg). Here are five easy stretching exercises which you must incorporate in your fitness routine to improve your flexibility and get that fit body of your dreams. If you play on the hard courts a lot, the muscles and joints get a lot of beating. Hamstring Stretches These stretched target the back of your legs. Rest your legs against the court boundary netting. They straighten out the knee when contracted. These exercises involve the major muscle groups used in table tennis and you should stretch them through their full range of movement. A pigeon stretch is pretty similar, only it requires you to swing your left knee to your left hand and back, and vice versa. However, these adverts and affiliate links do not influence the advice and recommendations given on this web site. backhand drive, (2007), Fradkin, A. Zazryn, T. Smoliga, J. Rules •  After you‘ve stretched your flexor and extensor muscles out properly and reduced the tension in your wrist and forearm, you can begin strengthening the muscles to help keep your tennis elbow pain away. Not directly controlled by me suitcase when I travel spend at least five minutes cooling down every! Top of that, Werner recommends one specific endurance training like they are training regularly the. Specific exercises focus on strengthening and training different muscle groups used in table tennis answer: Yes stretching. As simple as stretching won ’ t make the matches shorter and retain viewers ’ interest in the shoulder include! Body works during tennis before you create a warm-up and a few minutes for a marathon sports such:... 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